Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Choose fabrics carefully

The style you choose to decorate in and the purpose of the space will strongly dictate the kind of fabrics you choose. For instance, if you are decorating a family room that has a southern exposure in the casual style, fabrics that do not stand up to constant use (perhaps by children and pets) would not be a good choice. Additionally, a space that receives a great deal of sunlight would make using silks and other delicate fabrics prone to fade not cost effective options. So, take some time and research the fabric before introducing it to your space. Enjoy your space, ReDecorating by Rena

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Choose the color for your space carefully

Color has the ability to evoke emotional responses in people so consider the style and mood of the room and choose the color accordingly. For instance, red is a stimulating color well suited for family rooms. Green, on the other hand, is a calming color that would be a good choice for a space dedicated to relaxing.

Because there are countless colors to choose from it is helpful to utilize what professional decorators call the rule of three. That is, use only three colors, excluding neutrals, in their various values, intensities, and textures to avoid a space that is overwhelming with too many colors that may or may not be complimentary. Enjoy your space, Rena

Monday, July 27, 2009

Determine the style for the space

Resist the urge to jump right in. Begin by asking yourself a few questions about the space. What will I do in the space?How do I want to feel in the space?Who else will use the space on a regular basis? If necessary, ask other members of the family the same questions. The answers to these queries will help to decide if the space is to be decorated formally or casually, for instance. Of course, there are other styles to be considered.

The style chosen will determine many of the subsequent decisions such as the type of furniture placed in the room, the fabric chosen, as well as the type of window treatment that is installed, to name a few. For example, the casual style typically has simple details, textured elements and lots of horizontal lines. The furniture tends to be large in scale and upholstered or slip covered. Whereas the formal style is inspired by period homes with elaborate architectural features and special attention is placed on symmetry and lines.
Enjoy your space, ReDecorating by Rena